Tuesday, July 17, 2012


Definition, community service
Community service is when you do something for someone else without the intentions of getting a reward or money. Community service can be carried out by simple acts such as helping someone carry groceries to painting a wall at a local building. This service should benefit someone other than yourself and it should be done because you would like to help and not because you are required to. Although some people may receive mandatory community service after committing a crime, it is important that you realize that there are many community service opportunities around you.

Community service in Rochester


Services for persons with developmental disabilities, traumatic, brain injury, those with disabilities seeking an alternative to nursing home placement and people with HIV/AIDS.

The volunteer here in this organization are to help in services are provided with profound respect for individual abilities and accomplishments and compassionate assistance that helps them achieve the things they cannot do alone.  All of the services are individualized, centered of the goals and dreams of one person, and directed toward those and. 

I think is very important to help, because is people than don’t have the same opportunity in the life, like to us in study, work or because is people than have a bad experience in your lives. also because today is for them, tomorrow for me or someone from my family or friends.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Oscar, I like the last sentence you wrote above, "Today is for them, tomorrow for me or someone..." I agree with you. Community service is important in our society. Helping and caring others can be a powerful thing for the people who help and are helped. Have you done any community service in the US or Colombia?
