Friday, November 30, 2012


     In our American culture’s class we had the opportunity to know about three of the most important subjects such as American Art, American Jazz and the presidential election, among others.

     All this three are important to me, because I considerer my self very fortune to know this big subject, about the Cultures and politics’ life in The United Stated, because many times people who are from different countries, like me, we think American cultures and everything here are strange or something like untouchable, Is good to clarify it is not for bad way, is most for ignorance about this spectacular form to life.

     Through American art, I learned this beautiful music type where is that from, and how Afro people brings to this important and own American genre, American Jazz as well how is fundamental part in this culture; and the presidential election I learned more about how American people have a big reason to   decide for they own rulers also I discovered in this cultures is seriously, while the presidential election is about it, because everybody have responsible participation according to the American difficult time.

     In conclusion, this American culture’s class help me to learn the immersion in this culture with everything than is part about it, and what, how and with who talk about specific subject.


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